Restorative Dentistry
Pikeville Dental is committed to offering a full range of dentistry services. Whether you’ve had repairs or need a complete replacement, we recommend continual check-ups to assess your gums and bone density to assess the surrounding areas associated with your implant.

Dental Implants
When you have missing teeth, an alternative solution to dentures is dental implants. While dentures are removable, dental implants provide permanent new teeth to restore your mouth’s function and appearance. Dental implants tend to offer a successful and lasting solution to the loss of some or all of your teeth.
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Teeth in a Day (CEREC)
CEREC is wonderful because in only one visit you can get a smile you will be proud of! The process uses the latest technologies, allowing us to make artificial teeth right in our office.
After a thorough examination with x-rays, we can determine if the procedure will work for you. We will go through all of your options with you so that you can be sure you’re choosing the one that will work best for you.
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